My Way Back
The Way Back Podcast
Episode #9: The Sacredness of Secular Work with Jordan Raynor

Episode #9: The Sacredness of Secular Work with Jordan Raynor

The Way Back Podcast is brought to you by and is hosted by founder Kimberly Phinney, English professor, published writer, and counselor, earning her doctorate in community care and mental health counseling.

In this amazing episode, I got to sit down with author, podcaster, speaker, and tech entrepreneur Jordan Raynor. We talked about his new book The Sacredness of Secular Work, which was a game changer for me. And I know it will be for you, too.

When we follow Christ, everything in our lives is sacred; and that means your work--no matter what it might be--is sacred, too!

Also, stick around until the end, where you'll get to hear me read my new poem, "Women's Work," which will be in my debut poetry collection, Of Wings and Dirt, out this spring with Wipf and Stock Publishers.

You can connect with Jordan Raynor in a few places:

Instagram: @jordanraynor


Podcast: Mere Christians Podcast

And you can buy his new book, as well as his other big hits, like Redeeming Your Time, Master of One, or The Creator in You, wherever books are sold, as well as on Amazon.

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My Way Back
The Way Back Podcast
WE ARE FOR SEEKERS, BELIEVERS, WANDERERS, & CREATIVES. Join us as we make the journey back to WHOLENESS in a world that has forgotten how.
Here, at THE WAY BACK PODCAST (from The Way Back to Ourselves), we are committed to making a community where our members can slow down, take a deep breath, and find the way back to who they were always meant to be. And in that self-discovery, be it spiritual or otherwise, we become better people, parents, leaders, creatives who impact our homes and communities toward a gentler, healthier, and more wholistic tomorrow.