My Way Back
The Way Back Podcast
Episode #4: The Reading Room- RELEASE

Episode #4: The Reading Room- RELEASE

The Way Back Podcast from is excited to kick off our Reading Room series. This week's theme is RELEASE.

Join Kimberly Phinney as she explores the theme of RELEASE in the autumn season, life, literature, and faith. Lean in as she talks about her own health struggles with chronic illness and Stage 4 Endometriosis and her upcoming major surgery that is meant to restore her back to health.

She'll be reading from the greats, like Mary Oliver, A.E. Housman, John Bunyan, and Dane Ortlund's breakout book, Gentle and Lowly. She'll even read one her own poem written for this season.

So, get cozy, brew yourself some coffee or tea, and prepare to sit and stay a while.

You belong here.

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My Way Back
The Way Back Podcast
WE ARE FOR SEEKERS, BELIEVERS, WANDERERS, & CREATIVES. Join us as we make the journey back to WHOLENESS in a world that has forgotten how.
Here, at THE WAY BACK PODCAST (from The Way Back to Ourselves), we are committed to making a community where our members can slow down, take a deep breath, and find the way back to who they were always meant to be. And in that self-discovery, be it spiritual or otherwise, we become better people, parents, leaders, creatives who impact our homes and communities toward a gentler, healthier, and more wholistic tomorrow.