I first pondered Christian poetry as a new wife back in 1973 (yes, we just celebrated our 50th).

I quietly stumbled along and wrote reams of horrible 'poetry', and after raising my kids, went back to school, started teaching, retired from teaching and finally found writing again 12 years ago.

My two books of poetry have only been published in the last three years.

It has been awhile getting here but the experiences have been the humus to grow many a poem.

We are always richer for the journey to becoming who God has made us--thank you for inviting us along on yours, Kimberly.

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This is exactly it! God was taking you on a rich journey for such a time as this! And ALL of it mattered to HIM and for the writing life!! Beautiful and thank you for sharing.

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Mar 2Liked by Kimberly Phinney

Wow, this is heart of art. Rock bottoms tend to season and nurture our words like nothing else. This has been my reality and it’s still a season that’s true for me.

I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy, but I’m encouraged to hear that God took what the enemy meant for evil and made it good for you. He made your voice an honest sword and that helps me pick mine up as well.

Thanks for sharing this!

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Joel, thank you for reading and leaving this kind and uplifting message. I hear you completely about this season. We will keep trusting Him. And, yes, the heart-wrenching stuff is terrible, but in FAITH, we survive, and in ART, we get to help God have the final say about things--not just as we process our woundedness but so we can show up for others who are trying to do the same. Blessings.

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Feb 22Liked by Kimberly Phinney

I can just envision Hemingway delivering that line rather piercingly! your lines on being a coward-writer are...*phew.* <3

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Yes!! Me too!! I’m so glad you could “hear” him and that some of this hit you in a meaningful way! Blessings.

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Feb 22Liked by Kimberly Phinney

You just keep on getting better and better! God's truly blessing you so that you can reach out and bless others, as evident in these sweet posts! Thank you for sharing your heart.

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I love you. Thank you for reading and commenting, mom. I know this one probably hit you a little hard to see so much of what we've been through all in one post, but God is on the throne and he is redeeming all things for his children. I love you.

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This is beautiful Kimberly and speaks to my heart and story as I walked away from writing into being a wife and makeup artist and back to Jesus after years of prodigal wandering and then to receive HIs gift of writing again. I love how our lives are orchestrated by God and how he prepares us to live our best dreams.

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Yes! Such a beautiful coming home story for you!! And I am SO blessed to walk the journey with you as I come beside you to help you tell your story. So excited!!

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Feb 21Liked by Kimberly Phinney

Loved reading Young Kimberly — who still had the same passion but also some fear. Thanks for sharing her with us. And praise God for the seasons of wandering and waiting in the wilderness. They are never for nothing!

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Yes, friend! Our chat on the podcast had me thinking about some of my old work. Of course, this isn't high school writing here, but 10 years is "old" writing, I guess! Our wandering is never wasted in Him. Amen.

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Feb 21Liked by Kimberly Phinney

I loved reading this peek into your mind and life from years ago. It DOES take courage to write. I have been sharing that in conversation with friends a lot lately—that all that being vulnerable can be a tiring and scary thing.

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Absolutely!! I think it took me facing all my fears and losing everything to truly become courageous... and become a courageous writer. By the GRACE of God! Let's keep going!!!

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Couldn’t love this more. Just wow! 🔥🔥

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Thank you, sweet friend!!! God bless you!!! I hope you're feeling better, too!

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